Kettle Bells? Kettle Balls? Let’s Talk About KETTLEBELLS!

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Kettle bells? Kettle balls? Let’s talk about KETTLEBELLS!
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“Hardstyle Russian kettlebell training has more functional, athletic and sporting carry-over than any other training tool or method. The unilateral and asymmetrical challenges posed by correctly programmed and performed kettlebell training cause unique adaptions and progressions” Craig Gilkes RKCll

If your trainer can’t explain why they use kettlebells as a tool using something close to these ^ words, they probably shouldn’t be using them with you! (Ditto if they let you wear cushioned trainers *ouch*)

But what does this explanation mean in real terms for us? It means that properly training with appropriately weighted kettlebells (hint: not teeny tiny cute pink ones that my three year old can carry around ;-)) delivers on ALL of your goals:
Faster/longer running time?
Stronger body?
More lean muscle?
Less fat?
Look better in your clothes?
Look better out of your clothes (!)?
Become more mobile and flexible?
Feel less aches and pains?
Spend a lot less time in the gym?

Yep. Kettlebell training delivers all of the above, pretty much simultaneously.

Your hips, spine and shoulders become mobile and stable. Injuries fade. Body composition changes dramatically (translated: fat loss and sculpted body shape). Everything feels easier. You’ll walk taller, feel more confident, make healthier choices to support your new-found physical resilience and respect for your body.

Kettlebells lay the foundation for functional, healthy movement. They can be used by absolutely novices to hardcore gym fiends. Young and old. Male and female and everything in-between. Training can be scaled to take into account injuries or disabilities.

You can train solely with one weight of kettlebell. You can train with a set. You can train with doubles. You can add a short programme to your usual training regime. You can make kettlebells your only tool. Whatever you fancy. But with all of those benefits listed above? You should probably (read: definitely!) be using them 😉

Oh and if you really want to use a pink kettlebell?

​Ours weighs 16kg and everybody can lift it!

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