This comes from an update that I sent to ALL Juno members not long ago and it applies to you, too:
Being able to train, as a habit, without somebody looking after you to make sure you do it, is essential to building the community of women that I very strongly advocate that we need to be. I know this already comes easily to some of you, but to others it probably will be hard.
I teach you a highly skilled form of fitness training, and once you know how to do it, your job is to keep coming back, practice your skill and put the time and reps in. The skill AND the ability to do the skill on your own, is what sets Juno apart from other fitness stuff.
I am not the same as other trainers. I’m not being big-headed – I mean I’m different. I’m doing things differently.
The association of exercise with obligation, guilt and punishment is the main reason that women can’t identify themselves with being autonomous, habitual exercisers. You may think not, you might think there are other reasons (“I just don’t enjoy it”) but in the end it boils down to that last sentence so I’ll say it again: The association of exercise with obligation, guilt and punishment is the main reason that women can’t identify themselves with being autonomous exercisers.
And it’s a misogynistic society that profits from this fact, and women who pay for it, literally, with their physical and mental health. And it won’t surprise you to hear that I’m not willing to be complicit in that!
I want us to associate exercise with much bigger, important, interesting things.
The things I tell you about all the time – genuinely being healthier, sleeping easier, feeling less pain, the feel-good after you’ve done it, achievements like being able to do more push-ups, swinging and lifting heavier weights, tangibly and quickly getting fitter and stronger, feeling connected to your bodies, feeding your bodies well, being able to lift heavy things, like growing kids and bags of soil in the garden and furniture around your house. Doing monkey bars for the first time in a playground. Being able to take up new physical hobbies without your body letting your down. Taking part in physical adventures like hiking big hills, running races, trying pole dancing, whatever.
Your body image and confidence improves massively because of this, without us even having to do any additional body image work.
For some of you, the ability to just easily and smoothly get up and down off the floor is life-changing. Certainly, when we’re old ladies, it’ll be life-saving.
There is no guilt or obligation about that. You’re entitled to it.
Finally, I am very proud to share with you the new Juno core values.
I hope you love them. I hope they make you feel big things deep in your belly, like they do for me. They’re a manifesto for what Juno is giving to the small corner of the world that it currently exists in.
If you’re excited by this, we might just be perfect for each other. Join me In-person, online or during workshops that I lead throughout the year.