Intuitive Eating Chapter 4: On Hunger
Fitness solely to change the way you look is ultimately empty fitness, yet it’s the sole driver of most fitness aimed at women.
“Interest in, and enjoyment of, how your body feels” is the simplest way to explain the “results” of what I ask you to do in my fitness space and take beyond it into your lives.
My training methodology covers 5 Principles:
Core, Tension, Muscle, Movement, Breathing.
You can read about them here.
I started Juno Fitness to create a local fitness space where women of all movement backgrounds can access a proper strength training programme to ensure ongoing, tangible progress, whilst also having the benefit of a supportive social community. Using the hugely accessible, scalable (and fun!) tools of kettlebell and bodyweight movements, I lead and support women to lift safely and strongly, making week-to-week progress both physically and confidently.
Our bodies evolved to exercise. Modern life means that we have to invent reasons to exercise – that’s what fitness is; the present-day equivalent of having to chase your dinner or move a load of rocks out of the cave you want to sleep in!
When you consider it that way, fitness becomes less of an obligation and more of an opportunity to connect with strong, resilient body that’s written into our DNA.
By focusing on strength and capability, building muscle and understanding our bodies, women can take control of the story that we’ve been told about taking up less space in the world.
Because women can never be too strong in a world that’s trying to keep us down.

Who Am I?
I’m Shell.
I escaped the no-mans-land of movement-as-punishment that captured and tormented me as a teenager and young adult, via a rabbit hole route to eventually teaching you the fitness that I know so far; fitness that becomes a way of life, a way to discover and change, constantly, how you see yourself.
So I’ll tell you all the things I “know” how to do and teach, like it’s my fitness CV, but the truth is, what makes Juno Fitness interesting to you is that I can use what I know to give you a way of exercising that makes your body feel the way you want it to feel.
The CV: Ballet, yoga, swimming, running, kettlebell training, strength training, conditioning, hand-balance. Certifications, qualifications. I’m co-leader of the UK branch of the original international kettlebell teaching school, RKC find out more and Erg Army UK find out more. I have an adhd-fuelled ability to hyper-focus on bodies and movement. I’m a lover of being in a gym, in front of people, particularly women, showing them how it feels to experience the capabilities of their bodies, and training them to never forget it.
Fitness isn’t a way to change how your body looks.
Fitness is a way of becoming better at being yourself.
Want to get fit with the help of a professional personal trainer in Coventry? I offer 1-1 and group fitness training online and in-person
Enquire today and get 1-1 personal training sessions online that’ll help you become fitter, stronger and healthier with professional guidance.
Intuitive Eating Chapter 3: About Weight Loss, And Dieting
Intuitive Eating Chapter 2: What intuitive eating ISN’T (and what it is)